Organized by the China Universities Alumni (Hong Kong) Association (CUAA) and co-organized by the Better Hong Kong Foundation, CUAA-Financial Association, the CUAA-Legal Association and the Hong Kong Association of Mainland Graduates, the “CUAA – Spring Forum on the Prospect of China in 2009” was successfully held on 27 February 2009 at the Hong Kong Exhibition Centre of the China Resources Building.
Mr. Ronnie Chan, Executive Committee Chairman of the Foundation and Chairman of Hang Lung Group Ltd was the keynote speaker of the Forum. Other speakers included Mr. Fang Fang, CEO and Managing Director of JP Morgan Chase & Co (China); Mr. Li Jialin, Chairman of VST Holdings Ltd; Mr. Oliver Lu, Director of News of Phoenix TV’s InfoNews Channel; Mr. Li Wei, renowned commentator of current affairs; Mr. Bai Ren, Vice President of BOCI Research Ltd; and Dr. Frank Song, Director of Centre for China Financial Research of the University of Hong Kong. Over 200 participants attended the Forum, including the Foundation Trustee Dr. Sumet Jiaravanon’s representative Ms. Li Xuhua and Executive Director Ms. Karen Tang as well as the Foundation’s invited guest Mr. Charles Ng, Director of Somerley Ltd. The Foundation Council Members Mr. Joseph Yu and Mr. Albert Ip joined the dinner after the Forum.
The speakers shared with guests their views and comments on the economic and social developments of China in 2009. Senior legal consultants also joined the Forum to give their professional advice on legal issues relating to business operation, investment and labour areas.
(1st left) The Foundation’s Executive Committee Chairman Mr. Ronnie Chan sharing his insightful views on the prospect of China economy