Jointly organized by the Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the InnoAsia 09 was successfully held on 1 – 2 December 2009. The Better Hong Kong Foundation was one of the supporting organizations. The theme of this year’s conference focused on the sustainable innovation and technology. Topics related to sustainable city, building energy efficiency and alternative energy for transportation were discussed. The Foundation’s Council Members Mr. Albert Ip and Mr. Tony Choi, also the Park’s Board Member, and Executive Director Ms. Karen Tang attended the event.
The Foundation’s Executive Director Ms. Karen Tang meeting with Prof. Timothy Tong (middle), President of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University at the conference
The Foundation’s Executive Director Ms. Karen Tang receiving the souvenir from Mr. Anthony Tan, CEO of HKSTP (right) and Prof. Alex Wai, Associate Vice President of PolyU