


JCIHK Belt & Road Youth Summit 2018

2018.04.13 - 2018.04.14

Organized by the Junior Chamber International Hong Kong (JCIHK) and sponsored by the Foundation, the Belt & Road (B&R) International Youth Summit 2018 was held from 13 to 14 April 2018. The summit provided opportunities for participants to visit companies such as Tencent, Skyworth and Das Intellitech in Shenzhen as well as to exchange views with Chinese entrepreneurs. They then participated in a forum in Hong Kong which covered topics such as business opportunities and related policies in the Mainland China, and the advantages of Hong Kong as springboard for B&R countries to enter into the China market. A press conference was held to announce the results of the Belt and Road Related Survey which was conducted amongst the B&R countries and regions. Around 400 young people from Hong Kong, the Mainland China and overseas countries participated in the summit.

The Foundation’s Executive Director Ms. Karen Tang (front row, 5th right) attended the summit