

Dialogue with Leader

2008/2009 Budget Luncheon


The Financial Secretary of the HKSARG the Honourable John Tsang has presented the 2008/2009 Government Budget on 5 March 2008. Members and guests of the Better Hong Kong Foundation attended the Joint Business Community Luncheon to listen to the Financial Secretary’s further eleboration on the budget and his principles of managing the Government Budget.

(From left)Asia Business Editor of The Economist Mr. Thomas Easton, Executive Director of the Foundation Ms. Karen Tang and CEO of Employers’ Federation of Hong Kong Mr. Louis Pong.

(From left)Executive Assistant to Chairman (Commercial)of Wheelock Properties (HK) Ltd Mr. Douglas Woo, Business Desk Senior Editor of South China Morning Post Mr. Kenneth Howe and Chief Economist of HK Trade Development Council Mr. Edward Leung

(From left)Associate Dean (Development) of School of Economics & Finance of the University of HK Prof. Maurice Tse and Assistant News Editor of News & Public Affairs Division of Asia Television Ltd. Mr. Law Chen Pang