

Dialogue with Leader

Dinner with Tung Chee-hwa, Vice Chairman of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and first Chief Executive of the HKSAR


On 20 March 2017, the Foundation was honored to have invited Mr. Tung Chee-hwa, Vice Chairman of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and first Chief Executive of the HKSAR to attend a dinner meeting where he shared his views on future developments of our nation and Hong Kong as well as the Sino-U.S. relationship. Chaired by the Foundation’s Executive Committee Chairman Mr. Ronnie Chan, Trustees Tan Sri Dato’ David Chiu, Dr. Yeung Kin-man and Dr. Sumet Jiaravanon’s representative Ms. Li Xuhua; Council Members Dr. Choi Lung-wai, Mr. Joseph Yu, Ms. Diana Chou, Mr. Sebastian Man, Ms. Juliana Lam, Dr. Raymond Leung, Mr. Samson Chan, Mr. Chan Yim-kwong, Dr. Frankie Yeung, Mr. John Lee, Mr. Lee Yuen-hong, Mr. Anson Chan, Ms. Alice Au and Dr. Allen Shi; and guests Mrs. Betty Tung, Ms. Vivien Tam and Mrs. Kimmy Shi also joined the dinner.

(Sitting, L to R) Dr. Choi Lung-wai, Ms. Li Xuhua, Dr. Yeung Kin-man, Mr. Tung Chee-hwa, Mr. Ronnie Chan, Mrs. Betty Tung, Dr. Raymond Leung and Ms. Diana Chou
(Standing, L to R) Ms. Vivien Tam, Mr. Samson Chan, Dr. Allen Shi, Mrs. Kimmy Shi, Ms. Juliana Lam, Mr. Lee Yuen-hong, Dr. Frankie Yeung, Mr. Chan Yim-kwong, Mr. Joseph Yu, Mr. Sebastian Man, Mr. Anson Chan and Ms. Alice Au