On 10 March 2010, the Better Hong Kong Foundation hosted a luncheon for about a hundred American Fulbright scholars and students who were attending the Fulbright China Research Forum 2010 in Hong Kong during 9 – 12 March 2009. Organized by the Hong Kong America Center, the Forum was an annual meeting of American Fulbright research scholars who were conducting research in Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. The Forum was sponsored by the Fulbright Program in China, the Foundation for Scholarly Exchange in Taiwan and U.S. Consulate in Hong Kong, and supported by 8 local universities.
The Foundation’s Council Members Mr. Thomas Woo and Mr. Albert Ip and Executive Director Ms. Karen Tang together with invited guests Mr. Archie Tsim, Chief Financial Officer of Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd and Mr. Patrick Wong, Partner Corporate & Commercial of Johnson Stokes & Master as well as friends from the Junior Chamber International Hong Kong and Roundtable Institute & Network joined the luncheon to exchange views about the development of China and Hong Kong with the scholars. At the luncheon, invited speaker Mr. K C Kwok gave a speech on the overview of the economic developments in Hong Kong.
Representative of the scholars thanking the Foundation’s Executive Director Ms. Karen Tang for hosting the luncheon
Mr. K C Kwok giving an overview of Hong Kong’s economic developments to the Fulbright scholars
Mr. Archie Tsim sharing his views with the scholars
Over a hundred of American Fulbright scholars and students attending the luncheon