

Dialogue with Leader

Virtual Meeting with Edward Yau, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development


On 22 April 2022, the Foundation was pleased to have invited Mr. Edward Yau, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development to attend a virtual meeting where Mr. Yau shared his insights on reinforcing Hong Kong’s role as an international business hub especially after the pandemic. Chaired by the Foundation’s Executive Committee Chairman Mr. Ronnie Chan, Trustees Tan Sri Dato’ David Chiu, Dr. Sumet Jiaravanon’s representative Ms. Li Xuhua and Dr. Lee Shau-kee’s representative Mr. Andrew Fung; Council Members Dr. Roy Chung, Mr. Joseph Yu, Mr. Sebastian Man, Ms. Juliana Lam, Dr. Raymond Leung, Mr. Chan Yim-kwong, Mr. John Lee, Mr. Dominic Pang, Mr. Andrew Yu, Mr. Dario Pong, Ms. Alice Au, Mr. Alex Yip, Ms. Rosana Wong, Ms. Clara Chan, Mr. Bosco Law, Mr. Christopher Chan, Mr. Eugene Cheung, Ms. Catherine Leung and Mr. Stanley Sun; and Executive Director Ms. Karen Tang participated in the virtual meeting.

Mr. Edward Yau shared his views on Hong Kong’s future economic development