

Dialogue with Leader

New Year Luncheon with Consulates & Chambers – Addressed by C Y Leung,Chief Executive of HKSAR


At the beginning of each year, the Better Hong Kong Foundation always organizes Spring Speaking Luncheon for the Foundation’s members to greet the Consuls General and chairmen of international chambers of commerce in Hong Kong. This year’s luncheon was successfully held on 20 February 2013. The Foundation’s Advisory Committee Chairman Dr. Henry Cheng, Executive Committee Chairman Mr. Ronnie Chan and Trustee Mr. Victor Cha together with the Foundation’s members hosted the luncheon for over 70 guests. The Foundation was deeply honored to have invited the Chief Executive of HKSAR Mr. Leung Chun-ying to speak at the luncheon and sharing his vision on Hong Kong as a competitive hub serving the Mainland market.

Participants include:

The Better Hong Kong Foundation
Dr. Henry Cheng                   Chairman, New World Development Co Ltd
Mr. Ronnie Chan                   Chairman, Hang Lung Properties Ltd
Mr. Victor Cha                       Deputy Chairman & Managing Director, HKR International Ltd

Council Members
Mr. Oscar Chow                    Executive Director, Chevalier International Holdings Ltd
Dr. Roy Chung                      Co-founder Non-Executive Director, Techtronic Industries Co Ltd
Mr. Eric Leung                      Chief Executive Officer, Tao Heung Group Ltd
Mr. Thomas Woo                  Executive Managing Director & General Manager, Hsin Kuang Restaurant (Holdings) Ltd
Ms. Winnie Ng                       Director, The Kowloon Motor Bus Co Ltd
Mr. Joseph Yu                       Chairman, Roseville Group of Companies
Mr. Philip Ma                         Deputy Chairman & CEO, The Sincere Co Ltd
Mr. Sebastian Man                Chairman & CEO, Chung Mei International Holdings Ltd
Ms. Juliana Lam                    Director, AML Group Holdings Ltd
Mr. Leung Wai-fung               Director, Artemis Digital Ltd
Dr. Raymond Leung              Chairman & CEO, TDK China Co Ltd
Mr. Samson Chan                 Chairman & CEO, Manley Toys Ltd
Mr. Chan Yim-kwong             Regional Director-Agency, AXA China Region Insurance Company Ltd
Mr. Frankie Yeung                 Senior District Director, American International Assurance Co (Bermuda) Ltd
Mr. Peter Lo                           Chief Country Officer, Hong Kong, Deutsche Bank
Mr. Lee Yuen-hong                Chairman, Tsui Wah Holdings Ltd
Dr. Jimmy Tang                     Chairman & CEO, Prince Jewellery & Watch Company
Mr. Billy Yung                         Chairman & Chief Executive, Shell Electric Holdings Ltd
Mr. Bryant Lu                         Vice Chairman, Ronald Lu & Partners (Hong Kong) Ltd
Mr. Douglas Woo                   Managing Director, Wharf China Development Ltd 
Ms. Karen Tang                     Executive Director, The Better Hong Kong Foundation

Commissioner’s Office of China’s Foreign Ministry in the HKSAR

Mr. Wang Shi                        Director-General, Policy Research Department
Mr. Tang Rui                         Spokesman & Director-General, Media & PR Department

Consulate General in Hong Kong

Mr. Craig Cowdrey                  Consul (Political-Economic), Australian Consulate General
Mr. Gerhard Alois Maynhardt  Consul General, Austrian Consulate General
Ms. Caroline Wilson                 Consul General, British Consulate General
Mr. Paul De Vos                       Acting Consul General, Consulate General of Belgium
Ms. Kendal Hembroff               Consul and Senior Trade Commissioner, Consulate General of Canada
Mr. Agustin Chaparro               Trade Officer, Consulate General of Chile
Mr. Jaroslav Kanturek              Consul General, Consulate General of the Czech Republic
Mr. Mostafa Mansour               Consul, Consulate General of Egypt
Ms. Annikki Arponen                Consul General, Consulate General of Finland
Mr. Arnaud Barthélémy            Consul General, Consulate General of France
Mr. Werner Lauk                      Consul General, German Consulate General
Mr. Christodoulos Margaritis    Consul General, Consulate General of Greece
Mr. Hari Budiarto                      Acting Consul General, Consulate General of Indonesia
Mr. Amikam Levy                     Consul General, Consulate General of Israel
Mr. Asher Yarden                     Director of Economics Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Israel
Ms. Alessandra Schiavo          Consul General, Consulate General of Italy
Mr. Cho Yong-chun                  Consul General, Consulate General of the Republic of Korea
Mr. Ibrahim Elsaid Elrawady    Public Relations Officer, Consulate General of Kuwait
Mr. Sergio Aguirre                    Consul, Consulate General of Mexico
Mr. Wai Lwin Than                   Consul General, Consulate General of Myanmar
Mr. Ali Nawaz Malik                 Consul, Consulate General of Pakistan
Mr. Noel M. Servigon               Consul General, Consulate General of Philippines
Mr. Przemyslaw M. Jenke        Consul General, Consulate General of Poland
Mr. Manuel Carvalho                Consul General, Consulate General of Portugal
Mr. Juan Manuel Lopez-Nadel  Consul General, Consulate General of Spain
Mr. Jorgen Halldin                     Consul General, Consulate General of Sweden
Mr. Mustafa Ünal                      Vice Consul, Consulate General of Turkey
Mrs. Nguyen Thi Nha               Consul General, Consulate General of Vietnam
Mr. Vincent Piket                      Head of Office, European Union
Mr. Jacky Foo                           Consul General, Singapore Consulate General
Mrs. Rita Hämmerli-Weschke   Consul General, Swiss Consulate General
Mr. Matt J. Matthews                Deputy Consul General, U.S. Consulate General

International Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong
Mr. James Sun                         Chairman, American Chamber of Commerce
Dr. Richard Vuylsteke               President, American Chamber of Commerce
Dr. Guenter Hoertler                 Vice Chairman, Austrian Chamber of Commerce
Mr. David Nesbitt                      Executive Director, Canadian Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Jens-Erik Olsen                  Chairman, European Chamber of Commerce
Mrs. Orianne Chenain               Executive Director, French Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Mr. Wolfgang Ehmann             Executive Director, German Industry and Commerce
Mr. M. Arunachalam                 Immediate Past Chairman, Indian Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Hong-woo Shin                  Chairman, Korean Chamber of Commerce
Mr. David Whitwam                  President, New Zealand Chamber of Commerce
Dr. Derek Anthony                   Chairman, Norwegian Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Vincent Chow                    Honorary Executive Director, Singapore Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Edwin Chan                       Director, Spanish Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Ulf Ohrling                          Chairman, Swedish Chamber of Commerce
Ms. Susanne Sahli                   President, Swiss Chamber of Commerce

The Foundation’s Executive Committee Chairman Mr. Ronnie Chan (middle) together with the Advisory Council Chairman Dr. Henry Cheng (3rd left) and Trustee Mr. Victor Cha (2nd left) welcome the Chief Executive Mr. Leung Chun-ying (4th left)