

Dialogue with Leader

Luncheon Hosted by Commissioner Liu Guangyuan


To strengthen communication and enhance friendship, the Commissioner of the China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the HKSAR Mr. Liu Guangyuan hosted a luncheon for members of the Foundation at his office on 20 July 2023. At the luncheon, Commissioner Liu shared his analysis of the recent changes and developments of the international environment, and the impact on China and its foreign policy. Participants of the luncheon included the Foundation’s Executive Committee Chairman Mr. Ronnie Chan; Trustees Tan Sri Dato’ David Chiu, Mr. Adam Kwok, Dr. Sumet Jiaravanon’s representative Ms. Li Xuhua and Dr. Lee Shau-kee’s representative Mr. Andrew Fung; Corporate Sponsors Mr. Andrew Yao and Dr. Lin Yong; Council Members Mr. Oscar Chow, Dr. Roy Chung, Mr. Thomas Woo, Mr. Joseph Yu, Mr. Philip Ma, Mr. Sebastian Man, Mr. John Lee, Mr. Anson Chan, Mr. Bryant Lu, Mr. Dominic Pang, Mr. Andrew Yu, Ms. Alice Au, Mr. Allen Shi, Dr. Zhong Xiaofeng, Mr. Bosco Law, Mr. Nathan Lee, Mr. Eugene Cheung and Ms. Catherine Leung; and Executive Director Ms. Karen Tang. Deputy Commissioner Pan Yundong, Directors-General Ms. Qian Junjun, Mr. Wang Qi and Mr. Huang Jingri, and Deputy Director-General Mr. Chen Jianzhong also joined the luncheon.

Commissioner Liu Guangyuang (front row, middle) hosted a luncheon for the Foundation’s members at his office