


2007 CSR Prime Awards


The Better Hong Kong Foundation’s Executive Director Ms. Karen Tang was pleased to be invited as one of the panel of judges of the Prime Adwards for Corporate Social Responsibilty 2007. Ms. Tang attended the award presentation ceremony and was also one of the guests to present the awards.

The Prime Adwards for Corporate Social Responsibilty 2007 is a recognition to those corporations which arew willing to shoulder the corporate social responsibilty by different kinds of contributions to the community. The organizing committee will choose a beneficiary organization every yaer, and this year Po Leung Kuk was selected.

The Foundation’s Executive Director Ms. Karen Tang with officiating guest Hon. Alan Leong and Chairman of Po Leung Kuk Mrs. Lau Chan Siu Bo

Guests proposed a toast at the ceremony. (2nd from right, the Foundation’s Executive Director Ms. Karen Tang)

The Foundation’s Eexecutive Director Ms. Karen Tang presented souvenir to awarding company