A discussion luncheon on the report amongst the Foundation’s members and invited guests was held before the press conference
At the discussion luncheon: (L to R) Mr. Tommy Hui, Mr. Li Wah-keung, Mr. Gordon Kee, Ms. Karen Tang and Prof. Ni Pengfei
At the discussion luncheon: (L to R) Mr. Thomas Woo, Dr. Chiu Say-hoe, Mrs. Anna Lai, Ms. Juliana Lam and Ms. S Y Tsui
At the discussion luncheon: (L to R) Mr. Sebastian Man, Dr. Roy Chung, Ms. Juliana Lam and Mr. Dario Pong
At the discussion luncheon: (L to R) Mr. Yang Yi, Ms. Karen Tang, Mr. Leung Wai-fung and Prof. Ni Pengfei
The Foundation’s Executive Director Ms. Karen Tang (right) and Prof. Ni Pengfei presenting the report to Hong Kong media