The Better Hong Kong Foundation’s delegation had just returned after a 9-day mission to the United Kingdom, Germany and France.
This mission signified the importance that Hong Kong’s major trading partners in Europe, attached to Hong Kong’s geo-economic position and their confidence in its people and business strengths in Asia.
The delegation presented state secretaries, ministers, senior government officials and business leaders in host countries with the latest political and economic situation of Hong Kong; and the Pearl River Delta, its investment outlook and development on infrastructure projects, environmental protection, human capital, technology and innovation.
Delegation leader and Foundation’s Chief Executive, George Yuen described the mission a tremendous success as Hong Kong remained the Asia headquarters for multinationals in our region and continued to capture the interest of its major trading partners in Europe after China’s accession to the World Trade Organisation.
“Clearly the visit has been particularly timely for us to feature Hong Kong as the best springboard for European companies especially the small and medium sized enterprises to have market access to Mainland China on the eve of the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) implementation five weeks from now, on 1 January, 2004. This will present an excellent window of opportunities for forming strong strategic alliances among business communities in Europe and Hong Kong. The mission has also established links with major think tanks, NGOs, business associations and chambers of commerce on educational exchanges and business partnership in the future.” Mr. Yuen added.
Among the delegates were leading members in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta’s professional and business communities. They included Mr. Daniel FUNG, Senior Counsel, Des Voeux Chamber and Chairman of the East-West Strategic Development Commission (ESTRADEV); Mr. Fred Wang, Director, Salon Film and Governor of ESTRADEV; Ms. Vicky Wong, Managing Consultant, EPC Consulting Ltd.; Madam Carrie Xu, President, Guangzhou Foreign Enterprises Consultation Service Company; Ms. Ada Wong, Head of Industrial System, Wong’s International (Holdings) Ltd. and Mr. Eric Yao, Manager of Technical Engineering; Wong’s International (Holdings) Ltd.
In London (11-12 November, 2003), the delegation met with the business community there to urge them in enhancing the already entrenched business presence in Hong Kong. The delegation renewed links with the UK Trade & Investment, the Institute of Export and the Hong Kong Association and forge new ties with relevant professional bodies and services organisations. Also, the delegation took part at the Hong Kong Tourism Board “Live it, Love it!” campaign and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council annual dinner in London.
As a keynote speaker at business gatherings in London, Mr. Daniel Fung articulated the four pillars of strength for Hong Kong’s continued top rank as the freest economy in the world. The level-playing field practice, the WTO business compliance, the zero tolerance for corruption and the rule of law made up the formula for Hong Kong’s success. Mr. Fung remarked, “In keeping abreast with today’s knowledge economy and trade globalization, Hong Kong is expanding its business portfolio to embark on a bold and visionary infrastructure development on technology and innovation, and a mission-critical human resource policy to upgrade the quality of our work force. Equally important, Hong Kong’s hinterland, especially the Pearl River Delta region, presents a favorable investment environment for a wide spectrum of manufacturing and service businesses to develop and flourish, especially when the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) offers the first mover advantages to Hong Kong based companies with no restriction on nationality.”
In Berlin (13-15 November, 2003), the delegation met with German Minister for Economics and Labour and Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs on closer economic ties with special attention paid to Hong Kong’s role in fostering trade between the Greater Pearl River Delta and the Greater Mekong River Delta region especially Vietnam.
During the visit, the foundation formed alliances with Berlin Partner, an organisation sponsored by the Berlin Senate; the German Federation of Trade and Industries; and Hasso-Plattner Institute of Universtat Potsdam, for future co-operation in promoting the Hong Kong-German trade, education and cultural exchange. As an indication of forward-looking economic relations, on December 1 the German Federal Chancellor, Gerhard Schroder, would visit Guangzhou to expand the German automobile business as the city would open the biggest-ever international automobile show.
In Paris (16-18 November, 2003), the group met with the Chinese Ambassador to France, Mr. Zhao Jinjun and exchanged views on the importance of the Hong Kong/Pearl River Delta economic integration for the prosperity and the well-being of the region. The delegation established dialogues with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), among other organizations, to discuss the hosting of an International Mayors’ Conference in China, using Hong Kong as a conference facilitator co-ordinator. The Foundation would assist in an OECD visit in March 2004 to assess which Chinese city suitable to host such a conference.
Mr. George Yuen thanked the governments of host countries and their consuls-general in Hong Kong for organising such a high-level visit.
“More Significantly, we have a great team in our successful endeavours to Europe as every body did an excellent job in conveying the right message. We all took part in useful discussions pivotal to future co-operation, business ties and educational exchanges. We will keep up our good efforts and build on our relations with opinion leaders, business community, research institutes, non government organizations overseas for the economic health and public well-being of Hong Kong” Mr. Yuen concluded.
For enquiries, please contact Mr. Kim Wan of The Better Hong Kong Foundation at telephone at (852) 2861-2622, fax at (852) 2861-3361 or by Email:
The Better Hong Kong Foundation is a privately funded, non-profit, non-political organization, formed by leading Hong Kong business people to reinforce Hong Kong’s role as the leading regional, financial, shipping, trading, communication and technology center. The Foundation also serves to enhance greater international understanding between East and West by facilitating communications between Hong Kong, China and the international community.