

Press Release

Greater Pearl River Delta Alliance


The Better Hong Kong Foundation takes the lead to rally the support of a wide range of non-government and non-profit organizations to form a broad alliance, to promote the Pearl River Delta (PRD) to the world through Hong Kong. 

This alliance, spearheaded by the East-West Strategic Development Commission (ESTRADEV), chaired by Mr. Daniel R. Fung, has secured pledges of support from the Mayors’ Association of China, the Guangdong Association for International Cultural Exchange, the Trade & Investment Office of the State of California, the Chicago-based Association for Corporate Growth and the Committee on China Research & Development Chinese University of Hong Kong as well as International Chambers of Commerce and various industry associations.

To announce the setting up of the alliance, Mr. George Yuen, Foundation’s Chief Executive, introduced the alliance, being wholly apolitical and non-profit oriented, with its mission on:

1.            Fostering government-to-business dialogue as between Hong Kong, Guangdong and the international business and investment community;

2.            Leading trade missions and securing overseas market access for Hong Kong/Greater PRD companies;

3.            Fostering inbound investment flows into the Greater PRD through Hong Kong;

4.            Launching an integrated multi-media promotional campaign for the Greater PRD including Hong Kong;

5.            Enhancing international connectivity for the Greater PRD including Hong Kong.

Mr. Yuen asserted: “The positioning of our alliance is crystal clear.  Our main task is to facilitate contact and exchanges by Hong Kong and Guangdong businesses with their overseas counterparts.  Of equal significance will be the alliance’s networking prowess in both public and private sectors in Hong Kong, Guangdong, United States, Europe, Australia and other overseas markets.  We will work closely with the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Hong Kong Productivity Council, Invest Hong Kong and relevant government bureaus and departments as well as with overseas business organizations and think-tanks to ensure success of our efforts.” 

Mr. Daniel Fung, Chairman of the East West Strategic Development Commission (ESTRADEV) remarked: “We specialize in fostering government-to-business dialogue to facilitate growth in developing economies.  Ever since ESTRADEV’s inception in 1999, we have worked closely with other non-profit bodies including, in particular, the Brussels-based International Public Affairs Centre (IPAC) in leading trade missions to and fostering inward investment flows into such diverse developing markets as India, Kazakhstan and the Czech Republic.  With the value added of the International Chambers of Commerce in Hong Kong , Mayors’ Association of China, the Guangdong Association for Cultural Exchange, the California Trade and Investment Office and the Association for Corporate Growth (ACG), we are confident that we can bring this project to success so as to ensure that Greater Pearl River Delta companies including those in Hong Kong can all share in the fruits of increasing globalization.”

Mr. Yuen concluded: “We have to institutionalize the alliance’s structure and mode of operation for sustainable corporate growth.  This involves collaboration among partners with close coordination of our activities.  There will be committees by industries and activities convened by core member associations.”

Also present at the press conference were Mr. Clement Chan, Chairman of the International Chambers of Commerce Pearl River Delta committee, Mr. Fred Wang, Overseas Representative of the Mayors’ Association of China (Information & Publicity), Ms. Janie Fong, Director of the California Trade and Investment Office (Hong Kong/China) and Professor Chyau Tuan, Chairman of the Committee on China Research & Development, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

The Press ConferenceSpeakers List:

Mr. George Yuen, Chief Executive, The Better Hong Kong Foundation
Mr. Daniel Fung, Chairman, East-West Strategic Development Commission
Mr. Clement Chan, Chairman, International Chambers of Commerce Pearl River Delta Committee
Mr. Fred Wang, Overseas Representative, Mayors’ Association of China (Information & Publicity)
Ms. Janie Fong, Director, California Trade and Investment Office (Hong Kong/China)Professor Chyau Tuan, Chairman, the Committee on China Research & Development, the Chinese University of Hong Kong



For enquiries, please contact Mr. Kim Wan of The Better Hong Kong Foundation at 2861-2622 or by fax at 2861-3361.

The Better Hong Kong Foundation is a privately funded, non-profit, non-political organization, formed by leading Hong Kong business people to reinforce Hong Kong’s role as the leading regional, financial, shipping, trading, communication and technology center. The Foundation also serves to enhance greater international understanding between East and West by facilitating communications between Hong Kong, China and the international community.