

Press Release

Major EU and US Business Organizations Join The Greater Pearl River Delta Alliance


The Better Hong Kong Foundation was delighted to announce that two leading international business organizations, the Brussels-based International Public Affairs Centre (IPAC) and the Chicago-based Association for Corporate Growth (ACG) have joined the alliance to forge close economic relations with the Greater Pearl River Delta region.

“The joining of these two premier global associations to the alliance is an eloquent testimony to the growing importance of Greater Pearl River Delta in the eyes of the international business community.”  said Mr. George Yuen, Chief Executive of the Foundation.

“One of the primary objectives of the alliance is to promote international connectivity for the Greater PRD including Hong Kong. I am much encouraged with the support we received from various partners. It shows that the efforts by the private sector are absolutely pivotal in promoting the region.   Clearly, the HKSAR Government, the Guangdong Government and various municipalities have essential roles to play.”  Mr. Yuen added.

Daniel Fung, Chairman of the East West Strategic Development Commission (ESTRADEV) remarked: “With the support of the IPAC and the ACG, the Commission and its partners can be actively engaged in establishing essential dialogue between the international business community and the Greater Pearl River Delta so as to facilitate economic growth there.   We are confident that closer economic relations between business community, especially small and medium size enterprises and the GPRD will bring prosperity to the region and create job opportunities to Hong Kong and Guangdong.”

Established on January 23rd, 2003, the Alliance has already secured pledges of support from the Guangdong Association for International Cultural Exchange, the Trade & Investment Office of the State of California, the International Chambers of Commerce and the Committee on China Research & Development in the Chinese University of Hong Kong and other industry associations.

Also present in the meet-the-media session were Dr. Marc Battaille, President of IPAC and Mr. Jack Chen, Asia-Pacific Director of ACG.

Dr. Battaille briefed the media about the International Public Affairs Centre.   “IPAC is an international association of corporate Chairman and CEO’s who examine public issues that affect the economy development and develop positions which reflect sound economic and social principles. Established in Brussels 1978, IPAC was founded in the belief that business executives should take a proactive role in initiating and pursuing public policy dialogue with government, both in developed and developing markets, with a view to promoting economic growth.“ Dr. Battaille said.

“IPAC will be leading a major EU Investment delegation to Hong Kong and the Greater Pearl River Delta this autumn. European interest in the China market is growing by leaps and bounds. The visit will crystallize business opportunities both for and in the region.” Added Dr. Battaille. IPAC’s association with Hong Kong went back to March 1997 when it co-organized with the Hong Kong Government and the Commission of European Union the 1997 CEO Summit in Hong Kong – “A Model of Economic Efficiency”.

Mr. Jack Chen followed by introducing the Association for Corporate Growth. Mr. Chen said: ”Founded in Chicago 1954, ACG is the premier association for and about professionals involved in small-medium size corporate growth, corporate development, and mergers and acquisitions. It promotes the professional interests of its members, who have assumed leadership roles in strategic corporate growth, by offering a forum for quality programs, education and networking. ACG has nearly 6,000 members representing approximately 2,500 companies in 39 chapters throughout the United States, Canada, the UK and Mexico. Four new chapters are in formation in the United States and Europe. “

“More importantly, we are in the process of launching a Hong Kong/GRPD Chapter of ACG later this spring. This will help put GRPD on the world business map”, added Mr. Chen.

“Hong Kong would certainly benefit from the rapid growth in the Pearl River Delta and great potential in the rest of Guangdong province and beyond. The Foundation will continue to work with various local and overseas organizations to promote the region to the international marketplace through Hong Kong”. Mr. Yuen concluded.


Programme and Activities

February 14th, 2003                               Joint briefing with ESTRADEV of Dr. Richard Bush, Director of Northeast Asia Center of Brookings Institute, Washington DC and planning seminar on Hong Kong/Greater Pearl River Delta

February 15th – 17th, 2003                     Briefing US Congressional delegation on the Hong Kong/GPRD economic integration

February 22nd – 23rd, 2003                    Joint planning session in Guangzhou with ESTRADEV and Guangdong Association for International Cultural Exchange on GPRD promotional campaign

February 25th, 2003                               Briefing Ms. Lisa Stephenson, Director of Graduate Student Career Development, George Washington University with job opportunities for American MBA graduates in Hong Kong/GPRD

March 26th – March 29th, 2003            Leading senior US journalists delegation’s visit to GPRD

Mid-April ‘03                                        GPRD Road Show co-organized with the Hong Kong Productivity Council plus culinary presentations

May/June ’03                                        Inauguration of Association for Corporate Growth (ACG) Hong Kong/GPRD Chapter

June 25th-27th, 2003                               Co-sponsoring Hong Kong International Film & TV Market (FILMART) with invitation to Guangdong film industry

June 27th, 2003                                       Co-sponsoring with ESTRADEV inaugural “Hong Kong Dinner” at the Salzburg Seminar, Salzburg, Austria

Late-October ’03                                  Co-sponsoring with ESTRADEV major IPAC investment delegation’s visit to Hong Kong/GPRD

Early-November ’03                             Leading Hong Kong/GPRD business delegation’s visit to the European Union: Brussels, Milan, Rome, Paris & London.

Early-November ‘03                             Co-sponsoring with ESTRADEV donation of “Pearl River” piano to leading European orchestra

Spring ’04                                              Leading with ESTRADEV Hong Kong/GPRD business delegation’s visit to the United States


For enquiries, please contact Mr. Kim Wan of The Better Hong Kong Foundation at 2861-2622 or by fax at 2861-3361.

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The Better Hong Kong Foundation is a privately funded, non-profit, non-political organization, formed by leading Hong Kong business people to reinforce Hong Kong’s role as the leading regional, financial, shipping, trading, communication and technology center. The Foundation also serves to enhance greater international understanding between East and West by facilitating communications between Hong Kong, China and the international community.