

Press Release

The Better Hong Kong Foundation Organizes High-Level Delegation to the United States


The Better Hong Kong Foundation will make its annual visit to the United States covering Washington D.C., New York, Boston and San Francisco between May 8th-18th, 2006.

The main purpose of the visit is to update the US Administration; Congress; think tanks; business and financial institutions; media and thought-leaders about the Hong Kong’s present situation, its constitutional development and economic outlook. At the same time, the foundation’s mission is to have the first hand information from the US interlocutors about American’s point of views on Hong Kong especially after the China’s President Hu Jintao’s State visit to the US and its impact on the US/China relations and its ramification on Hong Kong.

The foundation’s Chief Executive, Mr George Yuen remarked: “This two-way exchange will enable us to renew old acquaintances and to forge new ties. Clearly, it helps us to consolidate our network; broaden our horizon and to break new grounds as we have a balanced program covering important audiences from government; legislature; academia; business; media; think tanks and related NGOs”.

During the mission, the delegation will pay visit to the China Embassy in Washington D.C; consuls-general in New York and San Francisco together with meetings with directors-general in Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices and Chinese community in the hosting cities. The delegation, led by Mr Yuen comprises of former Secretary for Justice, Ms Elsie Leung; Ms Winnie Ng, Managing Director of Kowloon Motor Bus; Professor James Tang, Secretary of Social Science of University of Hong Kong; Mr Alejandro Reyes, Senior Writer and Visiting Scholar of University of Columbia and Ms Karen Tang, Executive Director of the Better Hong Kong Foundation (Designate).

Mr George Yuen concluded “It is fortunate to have a well-represented group to present the various aspects of Hong Kong special situation to our US thought-leaders, contacts and associates. It is also opportune to have the visit arranged in tandem with President Hu’s State visit to the United States so as to assess its impact on the US/China relations. We are most delighted to have former Secretary for Justice, Ms Elsie Leung to be our principal representative and we are thankful to our US partner, the US-Asia Institute to organize law forums for Secretary Leung to speak of the One Country, Two Systems and the importance of Rule of Law, being the core value contributing to making Hong Kong Asia’s world city. We are confident that our visit will be useful and constructive in fostering an even closer tie between Hong Kong and the United States.”



May 8, 2006 (Mon) Washington D.C.
09:00-10:30 Briefing by U.S.-Asia Institute on U.S. political scene & U.S.-China relations
12:00-13:30 Lunch meeting with Chinese Embassy
14:00 Meeting with Brookings Institution
16:00 Meeting with Cato Institute
18:00 Meeting with Reuters
19:30 Dinner with US-China Education Trust & The Fund for American Studies

May 9, 2006 (Tue) Washington D.C.
08:00-09:30 Breakfast meeting with HK Economic & Trade Office Washington
10:30 Meeting with CSIS
12:15 Lunch meeting with Heritage Foundation
15:00 Meeting with State Department, US Government
16:30 Meeting with U.S.-China Working Group
19:30 Dinner meeting with Media

May 10, 2006 (Wed) Washington D.C. / New York
10:30 Meeting with Commerce Department, US Government
15:00-17:00 Capitol Hill Forum
The Challenges and Accomplishments of Implementing One Country-Two Systems by The Honorable Elsie Leung
Depart for New York

May 11, 2006 (Thur) New York
09:30 Breakfast with Morgan Stanley
11:00 Meeting with Goldman Sachs International
12:30 Lunch with Fortune Magazine
14:30 Meeting with Asia Society
18:00-20:00 Public Law Forum at New York County Lawyers Association
20:30 Dinner with NY Consul General

May 12, 2006 (Fri) New York
09:30 Meeting with Citibank
11:00 Meeting with HSBC
12:30 Lunch meeting with HK Economic & Trade Office New York & HK Association in New York
15:00 Meeting with Standard & Poor’s
19:15 Supper with Chinese Media

May 13, 2006 (Sat) New York
12:00 Lunch with Chinatown community
17:00 Dinner with Norman and Esther Lau Kee, US-Asia Institute

May 14, 2006 (Sun) New York / Boston
Depart for Boston

May 15, 2006 (Mon) Boston
Morning Tufts University Fletcher School of Diplomacy
Lunch Lunch meeting with Mr. Kent Lucken, World Boston, corporate & legal leaders
Afternoon Harvard Kennedy School of Government Forum

May 16, 2006 (Tue) Boston / San Francisco
Depart for San Francisco
19:30 Dinner meeting with HK Student Association, Stanford University

May 17, 2006 (Wed) San Francisco
Morning Meeting with Pacific Council on International Policy (tbc)
12:00-14:00 Speaking luncheon hosted by HK Economic & Trade Office, in cooperation with HK Association of Northern California and Asia Society
Afternoon Speaking event at the Institute of East Asian Studies of University of California, Berkeley
Evening Dinner hosted by Mr. Peng Ke-yu, Chinese Consul General, San Francisco (tbc)

May 18, 2006 (Thur) San Francisco
09:00-10:00 Media session
Depart for HK

For enquires, please contact Ms Brenda Wong of the Better Hong Kong Foundation at 2865-3533.

