

Press Release

The First Ten Years of the Hong Kong SAR: An American Perspective


This year is the 10th anniversary of HK returning to China. The Better Hong Kong Foundation (Foundation) is pleased to have invited Mr. James B. Cunningham, U.S. Consul General of Hong Kong and Macau to speak at a luncheon co-hosted with the Hong Kong America Centre today. The title of Mr. Cunningham’s speech is ”The First Ten Years of the Hong Kong SAR: An American Perspective”. Members of the Foundation Tan Sri Dato’ David Chiu, Deputy Chairman, Far East Consortium International Ltd.; Mr. Peter Lam, Chairman, Lai Sun Development Co. Ltd.; Ms. Winnie Ng, Executive Director, The Kowloon Motor Bus Co. Ltd.; Dr. Gerald K. Chow, Executive Director, Chow Sang Sang Holdings International Ltd.; Dato’ Wong Sin Just, Vice Chairman / CEO, Softbank Investment International (Strategic) Ltd.


In his speech, Mr. Cunningham thanked the Foundation for inviting him to share an American perspective on Hong Kong after ten years as a Special Administrative Region of China. Mr. Cunningham stated that the Foundation was created in 1995 by a group of Hong Kong’s influential business and community leaders for the express purpose of enhancing public confidence in Hong Kong’s future. In June of 1995, Fortune magazine ran its cover story: “The Death of Hong Kong.” It was in that business- and investment-unfriendly climate that the Foundation was created to help restore confidence in the territory. HK’s development in the past ten years has proven that the Foundation is on the right track. He also commended the Foundation for contributing to prosper a close relationship between the United States and Hong Kong & China.


The full version of the speech can be downloaded from the US Consulate General’s website: http://hongkong.usconsulate.gov


For more details or enquires please contact the Foundation’s Communications Manager Miss Alice Mak at (852) 2865 2529 or email: alice_mak@betterhongkong.org or visit the Foundation’s website www.betterhongkong.org