On the request of the Foundation’s members, Mr. Franklin Lam, Founder of HKGolden50 and Non-official Member of Executive Council was invited again to give his presentation on “Hong Kong – the Golden 5 Years (2010 – 2014) and the Decline that May Follow…?” on 5 June 2013. Mr. Lam shared his shared his thoughts on the unprecedented development of Hong Kong in the immediate 5 years (2010-2014) of which will define the next 50.
The Foundation’s Trustee Tan Sri Dato’ David Chiu; Council Members Mr. Matthew Lam, Mr. Philip Ma, Ms. Juliana Lam, Mr. Leung Wai-fung, Dr. Raymond Leung, Mr. Peter Lo, Dr. Jimmy Tang, Mr. Billy Yung and Mr. Dominic Pang; Executive Director Ms. Karen Tang; invited guests Mr. Johnson Kong, Ms. S Y Tsui, Mr. Chan Ka-kui and Mr. Ng Yiu-hong attended the talk.
Mr. Franklin Lam