

Dialogue with Leader

Luncheon for the Delegation of US Congressional Staffers


Led by the US-Asia Institute and supported by the HKSAR Government, the delegation visited Hong Kong on 25 – 29 April 2011. Before going to Hong Kong, the delegation visited Beijing and Urumqi, Kashgar in order to gain better understanding on the Chinese governance and hoped to facilitate dialogue on issues of great importance in the complicated relationship between the United States and China.

During their stay in Hong Kong, the Foundation hosted a luncheon for the delegation on 28 April 2011. At the luncheon, the Foundation’s Executive Director Ms. Karen Tang and invited guests Mr. K C Kwok, Former Government Economist of HKSAR, and Prof. Zhao Xinshu, Chair Professor and Dean of School of Communication of Hong Kong Baptist University, discussed and exchanged views with the delegates on the developments in the Mainland China as well as Hong Kong.

Discussing and exchanging views at the luncheon

The Foundation’s Executive Director Ms. Karen Tang (3rd left), Mr. K C Kwok (2nd left) and Prof. Zhao Xinshu (1st right) with the delegates